Friday, July 22, 2011

Electronic Portfolio

Below you will find projects I have completed, awards I have won and articles I have written that demonstrate my unique skill set:

In 2008, this high school Independent Study course I authored tied for the top honor given to a secondary education course by the University Continuing Education Association: the Distinguished Course Award. 

"All That Jazz: Respite for a Weary Nation," Learning through History
An educational article I wrote for an issue of a home-schooling magazine that focused on the Great Depression.

Accounting and Bookkeeping Articles
For the past six years I have written business articles for a Utah-based accounting school: Universal Accounting Center.  In this capacity, I publish weekly articles (on three different WordPress websites) designed to instruct financial professionals on advancing their careers.

Frugality is Not a Dirty Word: Begin Debt Elimination Today.
For a few months I wrote articles for a website designed to provide valuable information and resources to Mormon women.

Alpine Moms Run to Help Build Education Programs
While in Utah, I also worked as a stringer for the local paper, and many of my pieces ran in the American Fork Citizen and the Daily Herald.

2nd Place, Weekly Newspaper, Specialty Column.
In 2008, the Idaho Press Club awarded my humor column, "Up in the Night," second place in the Specialty Column division for weekly newspapers.  I have since gone on to write a bi-monthly humor column for the Post Register, the daily newsletter for the Idaho Falls area.